Ranking the Super Bowl Movie Trailers

Right now the Pittsburgh Steelers are wiping salty tears from their beards (ones that would make the leaders of Planet Beardatron proud) and the Green Bay Packers are trying to keep the homoerotic shower celebrations to a minimum as they soap their mullets with Prell. The rest of us? Well, I don’t know about you, but aside from trying to digest the spicy chili I ate four and a half hours ago, I’m trying to sift through the heap of

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Best and Worst of 2009

I’ve been in a bad mood for the last few days, so I thought I’d follow my Best of the Decade article from earlier this week with a look back at 2009’s worst films. Then I realized that admist all my 2010 celebrations, I’d neglected to list the best of 2009 as well. I’m sure, like everything in the world of film, these are debatable. One person’s nightmare is another’s wet dream, so while I wanted to commit hara-kiri during

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The Best of The Decade: 2000 to 2009

Content has been scarce here at AATM.com since the holidays began a few weeks ago and this week has been even worse since I’ve been pounded in the soft parts with some type of godforsaken virus that has left my sinuses stuffed and inflamed, my throat sore, and given me a greasy Dirty Sanchez beard akin to something out of a Vietnam POW camp. Worst of all, being so congested makes me sound like a cross between Sylvester Stallone and

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Happy Turkey Day: Andy’s Thanksgiving Entertainment Thank You

Happy Thanksgiving to all the readers of AATM.com! Here are a few things I’m thankful for by way of entertainment this holiday season. How about you? What has the movies, TV, books or video games given you that makes you feel thankful in 2009? Blu-ray You know Blu-ray is dreamy and awe-inspiring when everything, including movies without special effects and explosions, look absolutely magnificent in the crisp, clear, vibrant goodness that is 1080p. I was reminded of this when I

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