Dwayne Johnson Gets His Own Submarine

dwayne_ewSo here’s the question. If Disneyland recently ripped out their 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride and replaced it with Finding Nemo, what happens if McG’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea remake is a hit? Ok, so no one cares and the question served no other point than to give me a lead-in to share news that Dwayne “The Rock is no longer cookin'”  Johnson is apparently on board the remake as the Captain Nemo.

Dwayne Johnson, he of the Jason Statham/Vin Diesel school of appeal,  is one of those actors who despite their body of work, is hard not to like. Once considered to be next on the A-List (i.e.- the time to start looking for a second career list)  Johnson’s  been running through the Disney resuscitation machine (The Game Plan, Escape to Witch Mountain) in search of once-promised headlining momentum. To be fair, it’s not like he’s hurting for work, but A-List stuff it’s not. Here’s to 20,000 Leagues, Dwayne Johnson– who knows what piloting a ship-ramming sub and fighting tentacled sea monsters will do for ya. After all, seafaring Disney resuscitation worked out real nice for re-A-listing some Depp guy.

1 comments On Dwayne Johnson Gets His Own Submarine

  • Dwayne FAILS!

    I had high hopes for this until i saw Doom..then crap disney flick after crap disney flick.

    WTH happened to you DWAYNE! You sell out pussy.
    He’s literally taken every script they sent to Vin Diesel.

    That being said i hear hes a helluva guy in person. Cmon Rock, stop doing this garbage..

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