Finally, The Road Gets a Top Notch Trailer

We’ve been hearing mixed reviews for The Road, based on Cormac McCarthy’s harrowing novel of the same name, since May. Some call it the best film of the year, others think it’s not so stellar. I have been dissapointed with the trailers released for the movie, as I don’t think they have established an identity and an emotional resonance with viewers, particularly me, a huge fan of the book.

Until now.

This new trailer finally hits the bullseye. Check it out below and let me know what you think. The Road opens on November 25th and is one movie I am absolutely looking forward to seeing this holiday season.

1 comments On Finally, The Road Gets a Top Notch Trailer

  • I was on board until that last crazy triumphant score– like The Man and The Boy were storming the beach in Glory. I know the emotion it’s trying to convey- triumph etc., but that just felt out of place.

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