Whip It Poster Asks You A Question

This one-sheet for the Drew Barrymore directed roller derby-dream fulfillment comedrama Whip It answers a simple question: Is Ellen Page the cutest l’il actress working in Hollywood today? Yes. Yes she is. Of course, I’m sure that if she were standing here right now reading this over my shoulder, she’d be none-too-pleased with my paternal coddling. She’s a serious, emotion-filled actress, dammit!– not some cuddly member of the Innocent’s glass menagerie. Still, SO cute. (Click to embiggen the darlingness).

It’s Like if Juno Didn’t Get Knocked Up

That Ellen Page. So cute and charming and accessible– what’s not to like? Just about zero, that’s what. And with her upcoming Drew Barrymore directed girl power film Whip It combining Page’s magnetism with the all-but-forgotten magnetism of roughchick roller derby, you can look forward to a celebration of both quirk and heartwarming life affirmation. Viva la vida: @ Yahoo! Video

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