Trailer Tuesday: Birdemic: Shock and Terror

You’ve got to hand it to a filmmaker so tenacious, focused and crazy that after Sundance ’09 rejects him, he shows up anyway and drags the strip shouting “See my movie!”… which ends up selling in spite of it all. Meet James Nguyen, an ultra-low-budget auteur who, over the course of four long years, wrote, directed, shot and… well, everything’d Birdemic. Like Alfred Hitcock’s The Birds, but infinitely crappier “awesomer”, Birdemic is best described by the film’s official synopsis: A

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Why Nobody Cares About Independent Movies

If an independent movie plays in an independent cinema and no one goes to see it, did it really exist? On last Friday’s KVNU Movie Show, we were asked why a community like Logan, Utah couldn’t have a successful independent cinema. Moving away from Logan, the heart of the question was really: “Why don’t mass audiences support independent film”? I gave some quick answer about how it’s marketing and awareness and word of mouth and when independent films have almost

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Trailer Tuesday: Ryan Reynolds in Buried

I figured I’d follow Dan’s lead today and post a trailer for a film playing up in Park City, Utah at the Sundance Film Festival. This one, Buried, stars my mancrush, Ryan Reynolds, as a contractor in Iraq who is buried alive after his convoy comes under attack in Iraq. I’m assuming his kidnappers/gravediggers are nasty terrorists because they only leave him with a cell phone and a shitty flashlight, instead of fruit snacks and a juice box that would

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Trailer Tuesday (Dan’s Pick): Boy

Sundance is lame. And I don’t mean that in a general sense– I mean that in the specific way people use attendance to the film festival as a fabricated measuring stick for their own coolness. The “look-at-me-I’m-at-Sundance-and-you’re-not!” types who use their presence among famous film folk as an empty ego boost.  Fact is, in the end, unless they’re buying a movie or making a movie that can be purchased and turn a dollar, nobody else cares. In all other aspects,

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