Breaking Dawn Full Length Trailer Breaks the Bed and my Loins

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m all Twilighted out. I’m Twi-numb. Is anyone even excited for this movie in November, or has the nearly 16 months between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn – Part 1 caused even the most crazy of Twihards to lose a little interest? People were talking about and buzzing about the last cinematic chapter in the Harry Potter franchise for months and months, but I’m hearing hardly any fervor from the masses of Team Jacob

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Thanks for Screwing Me Over, Twihards!

Despite opening on 4,468 screens and having a rabid fanbase of emotional tweens, teens and housewives, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which I thought was a decent movie – easily the best in the Twilight franchise, isn’t even going to come close to Toy Story 3’s summer score at the box office. As of this writing, Edward and Jacob sit a cool $100 million behind Buzz and Woody. Hell, it hasn’t even beaten its predecessor, The Twilight Saga: New Moon. So,

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