Join us on the KVNU Movie Show Tonight!

Tonight marks another edition of the KVNU For the People Movie Show on 610 AM (for Utah listeners; our national audience can tune in online by clicking here).  Tyler Riggs, Dan Vinton and I will be talking, amongst our usual hilarious banter, the following topics: What’s New in Theaters this Week (Leap Year, Youth in Revolt, Daybreakers). Review of Leap Year (click here for my review). Dan and Andy’s Best/Worst Movies of 2009. Next Week’s Movie Releases (The Book of

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New A-Team Trailer is a Tasty Friday Treat

It’s just a minute and a half teaser and it’s reaaaalllly low-res, but I have to admit, The A-Team could be pretty cool. I’m not saying it will be sweet, I’m just saying it could be. As soon as a hi-res version is online, we’ll get it up and posted for you’re viewing pleasure. As for the film, it hits theaters on June 11, 2010 and stars Liam Neeson as Hannibal, Bradley Cooper as Face, Quentin “Rampage” Jackson as B.A.

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I Love You, Amy Adams, but Leap Year Doesn’t Make the Cut

Amy Adams’ (Julie & Julia) new movie, Leap Year, wasn’t even on my radar until I caught the preview while watching Nothing But Trailers on HDNet while I was languishing at home with some sort of Satanic flu-cold-sinus disease that thoroughly jacked up my post-holiday vacation. Honestly, even after watching the trailer it still wasn’t on my movies-to-see list and I figured it was coming out in February. It looked like that kind of movie. I don’t remember much after

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Release Data-apalooza: Thor, Pirates 4 and Let Me In

With recent news that Spider-Man 4 is hitting snags to the point of missing it’s 2011 release date, Marvel’s come up with a new plan: Thor! Of course, Thor was already planning on an early “summer” debut, but this delay allows Marvel Studios and Thor distributor Paramount to move the release date up to the sweet summer kick-off spot of May 11, 2011–  betting on Sony’s inability to make Spider-Man 4 happen. In the mean time, Thor‘s vacancy then opens

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Mariah Carey is Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Listen, I think Mariah Carey did a wonderful job in Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire. As a mustachioed social worker who doesn’t believe in make-up or showering, it was convincing and nothing short of strong. It reminded me of Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovich and Charlize Theron in Monster. And frankly, if it wasn’t for Mo’Nique and Paula Patton’s performances, she might be getting a bit more award consideration in the supporting actress column. But, BUT,

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Is This Poster What Bodes For Percy Jackson & The Olympians?

Because if it does, this movie is going to suck. Movie posters (one-sheets) are a tricky thing. As part of a film’s marketing head of steam, the poster needs to eye-poppingly convey the tone and gist of the film it’s advertising. Sometimes they succeed as art, sometimes they succeed at stoking interest and other times, well… they don’t (I’m looking at your lazy attempts, floating heads). Not that I’ve been anticipating the upcoming winner of “Bloated title of the Century”:

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Legion Clip Contains Gun, Mace and Wing Violence

The upcoming angels and automatic weapon orgy Legion looks like an attempt at coronation as this decade’s Underworld— a geeky/goofy genre premise that takes itself deadly serious and while a little flat and overly straight-faced, has the sweet potential for guilty pleasure. Legion arrives January 22, which means all kinds of clips are coming available. Clips like this one, where Paul Bettany’s Michael goes angel-a-angel with a wing-swinging Gabriel. Like I said, goofy… but kinda cool. Geek out or roll

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Spider-Man 4 in 2011? Not If The Vulture Says So.

Did you like Spider-Man 3? Sucker. OK, we can’t hold it against you. There’s some googly-eyed Sam Raimi ridiculousness going on in there that fares the loathed entry better than most of its ilk. Sure there was far too much going on and the studio’s insistence of shoe-horning Venom into the mix only served to dilute and make the whole thing ridiculous. That was because A) Raimi is a classic Spider-Man enthusiast who understands the old villains (Sandman, Doctor Octopus,

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If It Wasn’t Fake, Arbor Daze Would Be Real

There’s something loathsome about about the fabricated “family” films major studios putting out. You know the kind– dumbed down to oblivion, they feel like vapid, assembly lined back door attempts to make kids stupid. At once I feel guilty for saying that (they’re for kids, not me) and also right on target. Movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks, Aliens in the Attic, Bedtime Stories, Daddy Day Care, The Pacifier, etc. always deliver a lesson to be learned, but audiences of

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Sam Mendes Helming Bond Makes Me Poop Myself with Excitement

Sam Mendes has never directed a terrible movie. His resume is absolutely impeccable. His deft touch with American Beauty (1999), Road to Perdition (2002), Jarhead (2005), Revolutionary Road (2008), and Away We Go (2009) proves he is one of the best and brightest directors in Hollywood. To see Mendes attached to the next James Bond movie makes me absolutely antsy for what is sure to be a fast-tracked 2011 release.  Mendes has an incredible eye for cumulative detail and a

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