Trailer Tuesday: Piranha 3-D

Piranha 3-D looks like a lot of fun. It looks like blood, guts, boobies and action. And those attributes make Piranha 3-D exactly the kind of campy stage to showcase a gimmicky, has-been, still-not-impressive movie technique that is making a comeback, and hopefully a quick death, with 2010’s landing in all things 1980s. Yeah, I hate 3-D. So does Roger Ebert. And – gasp! – I even hate 3-D in Avatar. Suck on that, James Cameron. 3-D belongs in animated

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Batman 3 Gets All Official

In the event you haven’t heard, Chris Nolan must have Inception almost completely tied up: all of a sudden Batman 3 is scheduled for a July 2012 release date. As is, that’s a very quick turnaround schedule for a big film we haven’t heard much of anything about for the last two years. Batman Begins to Dark Knight had the benefits of a three year production schedule– Batman 3 gets two. While a lot of the casting is already in

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Kinda Trailer Tuesday: Making of a Spartan

With all the Halo movie on again/off again, maybe it’s on, “Maybe we’ll make it but only we know when” teasery that’s been going on for the last half decade or so, you’d think everyone would have just given up on the franchise that may still be minting million dollar bills, but whose momentum and fascination is fast drying up. Reality is that Halo‘s fanbase– bump from the upcoming Reach aside– has shifted into longtail. Sure, there’s the hardcore Halo

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Trailer Tuesday: Buried

Buried has a simple premise: Being buried alive would suck. Being buried alive in Iraq would be even suckier. Debuted at Sundance ’10 and picked up by Lionsgate for a fall release, Buried follows a U.S. civilian (Ryan Reynolds) who is buried in the Iraqi desert after his contractor outfit is attacked. Word is, the film mostly takes place in the box, but is loaded with twists and turns– which should make both claustrophobic and twistaphobic audiences all kinds of

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