Now THIS is Podracing! Lucas’ Red Tails Trailer Hits the Web!

I’m struggling to describe how I’m feeling about Red Tails, the long-awaited, oft-mentioned, Tuskegee Airmen action film directed by George Lucas Anthony Hemingway. Part of me, the portion who loves World War II movies steeped in history, drama and action, is excited for a film about these valiant airmen who, in my opinion, don’t get near enough recognition for the sacrifices they made for their country despite their country not embracing them or giving them the inalienable rights every human being deserves. It’s

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark Trailer Makes Me Want to go Huddle in a Corner and Cry

I think the title said it all. This looks creepy. Maybe it’s because the little creatures look like messed up bats or maybe because they speak freaking I have no idea except for the fact that this,sir, is scary crap. I mean if you watch this and say it is not scary you have issues my friend.  Don’t be Afraid of the Dark is about a girl named Sally who goes to live with her dad, Alex, and his girlfriend, Kim.

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Review: The Help (A+) The Smurfs Don’t got Nothing on it!

This week I went and stayed at my Aunt Kathy’s for three days and we went and saw The Help. This hands down is the best movie this year. Emma Stone (Easy A) brings to life the journalist Eugenia Skeeter. Skeeter is a funny, sweet girl who wants to be a famous writer. When she gets a job at a local newspaper she is assigned to write a question and answer column for the help. She has no idea how to

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Gosling’s Drive Looks Absolutely Phenomenal

I never thought in a million years I’d be looking forward to September and the autumn line-up of movies more than I was looking forward to this summer’s slate of popcorn, blockbuster goodness. Thanks to a big fat dose of meh, fall will bring more than a change of color to the leaves, but will also bring Drive, a new “action drama” starring Ryan Gosling (Crazy, Stupid, Love.), Carey Mulligan (An Education), Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Albert Brooks (Finding Nemo),

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Haywire Trailer Actually Makes Me Excited for JANUARY! WTF?!

January in Utah is expressed best with two small words: pure crap. This hellish winter month is adorned with sub-zero temperatures, freak snowstorms that turn Utah drivers into Idaho drivers, and enough inversion and putrid air to give anyone stepping outside the black lung. Yeah. That’s right. I hate January in Utah. Thanks to Steven Soderbergh (Erin Brockovich, Traffic), this January might be a titch better. Not only is Mr. Soderbergh directing the butt cheek-clinching thriller, Contagion – due in theaters

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Captain America Director Talks Jurassic Park Re-Boot and Boba Fett

Oh, man! Just the what the world needs right now! More Jurassic Park and more Star Wars! Please, dear Lord in Heaven, make this not happen. Yes, according to the traffic whores sleuths at (HA!), Joe Johnston, director of Captain America: The First Avenger, says a Jurassic Park re-boot is coming down the pike, and he has a Boba Fett movie in mind for George “Hollah for Dollahs” Lucas. So what is fact and what is fiction? Well, Steven

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First Look at Snyder’s Man of Steel!

Manohmanohman. So here it is. Our first image from Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel movie, the Superman reboot due in theaters on June 14, 2013, and I’m split between rolling my eyes at Henry Cavill (The Immortals) and  his Kryptonian Mitt Romney hairdo, as well as his Superman suit, which looks more like something out of Joel Schumacher’s book of horrors than it does from Christopher Nolan’s book of everything-I-touch-turns-to-gold. However, with that said, I suppose that is the exact

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Harrison Ford Sticks It to Chewbacca!

We all think of Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Indiana Jones and that one guy in Witness – gruff, tough and one of a select few who actually looks good without shaving. Ford is the epitome of dude cool. He’s so cool he could wear Teva sandals (with socks even!) and still be a certifiable badass. One thing most folks know about Ford is he’s tired of answering questions about Star Wars and Han Solo. He was the only

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Trailer for The Thing Promises Gore, Scares, and, Most Likely, Stupidity

Supposedly, The Thing, due in theaters on October 14, 2011, is not a remake of John Carpenter’s 1982 sci-fi horror movie of the same name, but rather a prequel. Odd, though, since the trailer basically feels and seems like the same…exact…movie. And that’s what producers Marc Abraham and Eric Newman want with The Thing. They want to remake the movie without slapping John Carpenter in the face, so what you see from director Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. is the same

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From the Files of Suck: Behold the Battleship Trailer

It was only a matter of time before Hollywood stopped raping remaking films from the 80s and moved on to greener, more creative pastures – like board games. I guess technically Battleship isn’t a board game, but you get my drift. When Peter Berg, whom I typically hold in high esteem as a director (The Kingdom, Hancock), announced he’d be bringing “you sunk my” Battleship to the big screen, I was dumbfounded and horrified. Now, after watching the teaser trailer,

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