Star Trek Gets a Plot Hole Filled

It was decades ago– in Hollywood release schedule years– when Star Trek lens flared its way to theaters back in May. There’s no question the resuscitation attempt worked– the movie delivered fun to audiences and a whole lot of loot for Paramount. But despite the good times had with a bombastic score and the return of busty green alien chicks that would later shoot exploding arrows, one question remained: what the hell was the villain Nero doing for the 20

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What We See On Blu-ray Echoes in Eternity

Blu-Ray nerd alert: For fans of Ridley Scott’s 2000 Best Picture winner Gladiator, tomorrow (September 1st) is a big day. The hubbub? Gladiator is coming to the superclean and supersexy Blu-ray format. Second, Gladiator is being released under Paramount’s new “my better is better than your better” imprint the Sapphire Series. Promising only Paramount’s most celebrated movies with the candy-coated, eyeball busting sound and image quality, the Sapphire Series also makes its debut tomorrow with both Gladiator and Braveheart. And

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Rent This: Valkyrie

It’s Tuesday, which means the shelves of your local digital entertainment purveyor are freshly stocked with the latest DVD/Blu Ray releases– aka- a great way to spend yourself into the poorhouse. One of the larger releases today (besides the eyeball impalation-fest My Bloody Valentine) is Valkyrie. Riddled with delays and production anxiety over Tom Cruise cooties and Bryan Singer’s post-Superman Returns fallout, the film had a modest run in spite of the drama and saw moderate success. However, I know

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Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Blu-ray in 2009?

I love Blu-ray. I really do. So much I’d marry it if I could. I also love Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” movies, even more that Captain Flannel Von Chubneck’s “Star Wars” sextuplets. So what to my wondering eyes did I see on today? They reference a story taken from Digital that states is taking pre-orders for “The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy” on Blu-ray, supposedly releasing this December. According to the source,

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Snow White Punches Slow Adopters in the Face… Kind Of

Disney may have the happiest slice of Anaheim real estate on earth (hear, hear!), a family-friendly empire always willing to shovel cash into its coffers and a surefire marketing machine that prints its own license to make money, but Disney’s also got some serious, swinging chutzpah. If they want you to take a permanent ride on their heavily subsidized bandwagon of Blu-Ray technology, by Walt’s ghost, you’re gonna do it. Take Snow White for example. Disney animation’s first feature length

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