Tron Legacy Has Aims to Make Sweet Love with Your Eyeballs

Remember Tron? With its unique story and its visually stunning representations of computer programs duking it out in a video game, Geeks and 80’s nostalgiacs remember it fondly, despite the grownup Disney movie arriving shortly after–and being drowned by– E.T. and Firefox. Recently, I watched it again… and it still holds up as an interesting and visually impressive (it’s got 80’s light up legwarmers!) film. Disney agrees, as last year they debuted test footage for a sequel which was such

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The Road Trailer or Ode to Planet Beardatron

Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” is one of the most moving books I’ve ever read, probably because I dread the inevitable end-of-the-world and all the unfathomable violence and horror that would follow such a doomsday event, and also because I am a father and protecting my family is what I am supposed to do and would do by and with any means necessary. But I’m not so sure about this trailer. Does it look to be a great movie? Sure, but

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