Tron Legacy Poster is Actually Not Lame

You know, for a movie I still think is going to suck the sweat off a dead man’s gut sack, this Tron Legacy poster is pretty sweet. The movie opens on December 10, 2010 and is directed by Joseph Kosinski. That’s not a household name to anyone but Joseph’s mother, but Halo fans might get a nerdgasm to learn he was the director of the “Starry Night” commercial that aired back in December 2006. This is Kosinski’s first feature film.

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Trailer Tuesday: Crazy Heart

Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors, so reading he’s receiving Oscar buzz for his portrayal of an alcoholic country singer in Crazy Heart comes as no surprise. Whether he’s resurrecting a deer in Starman, drinking a White Russian in The Big Lebowski, or chucking Robert Downey Jr. into a bus in Iron Man, the guy is 100 percent solid. Add to the cast the equally dependable Maggie Gyllenhaal (The Dark Knight) and Robert Duvall (We Own the Night), as well

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Mustachio. Goatee. Mustachio. Goat.

Not long ago, we shared the trailer for the quirky, funny, golden-cast The Men Who Stare at Goats. It’s pure sell, magic and win-win… and I haven’t even seen it yet. So what’s up with all the premature prognosticating? This poster. Sure, it may be a liiiiittle too Burn After Reading-esque, but those hairy new age faces, peacefully smiling at the honor of serving both country and The Age of Aquarius, are sublime.

Tron: Legacy Gets Release Date, Internet Collectively Yawns

Wow, December of 2010 is shaping up, at least to this film fan, to be a real slice of stink. So far the lineup for 12/10 includes The Smurfs, Yogi Bear and The Green Hornet. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like two potential rivals to the suck created by Alvin and The Chipmunks, and a Seth Rogan movie that willl most likely go down in flames. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but I get no sense of

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Clooney Knocks Goats Out With His Mind

The Men Who Stare At Goats has one of the best titles the known filmic universe may have ever dislodged. It’s also crowing a roster that reads like a who’s who of cinematically-adored man-men: George “I made love to your wife” Clooney, Kevin “I may or may not be interested in your wife” Spacey, Jeff “I got stoned with your wife” Bridges, J.K. “scoffed at your excuse for a wife” Simmons, Robert “I chased your wife into a dark alley

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