What’s in Your Netflix Queue?

It’s been awhile since I’ve shared the sacred contents of my Netflix queue with AATM.com readers, partly because I’ve been slow at watching DVDs (summer movie season will do that) and also because we had free HBO and Starz for three months. At any rate, here are the top ten films simmering and percolating in my Netflix queue of 217. 12 – Russian twist on the classic 12 Angry Men The Last House on the Left – Remake of the

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Taken + Unfaithful = The Other Man

Oh, man! Qui-Gon Jinn is pissed in this trailer for The Other Man. And why wouldn’t he be? First he’s got to rescue his spoiled rotten daughter in Taken, and now he learns his wife, played by Laura Linney (The Savages), is having sexytime with Antonio Banderas (The Legend of Zorro). On first glance, this looks like the writers from the aforementioned Taken linked up with the creative masterminds behind Unfaithful and pounded out a script for this your-having-an-affair-with-my-wife-and-now-I’m-going-to-stalk-you thriller.

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Trailer Tuesday (Dan’s Pick): Law Abiding Citizen

Gerard Butler’s not the man he used to be. Oh, sure- he’s got that rough and foreign (ie: sexy) Scottish brogue that’s 100% guaranteed to  turn an average looking dude into a musky, bodice-shredding fantasy– but let’s face it: Since 300, dude’s really let himself go. He’s gotta be pushing 185 at least… …which now allows him to play the “everyman”- the everyman hard at work on nailing that American accent which he’s awlmost gaaaaawt thanks to a recent string

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Trailer Tuesday: The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I didn’t see Bandslam on Friday, so I’m not sure if this is the much-anticipated New Moon trailer the web was abuzz with last week. However, it is a new trailer and Twilight makes women and girls people go crazy, so here it is. I actually like this trailer because I am on Team Jacob. I relate to the guy always labeled as “friend” and always passed over for the taller, paler, douchier guy. At any rate the Abercrombie &

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District 9 (Dan’s Take): ***

Validation can be a sweet thing. With Neill Blomkamps’ name forever attached to the defunct Peter Jackson/Fox/Universal Halo project, the director may have had a little more to prove with his big-screen directorial debut. Blomkamp’s previously deft incorporation of realism and fantasy as played out in a wide variety of commercials and shorts shouldn’t have left any doubt to his skill, or at least an idea that he was a director to be on the watch for. As he expands

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District 9 (***)

District 9, the first-ever feature film from director Neill Blomkamp, is stunning, powerful movie that is equal parts sci-fi, horror and drama, all wrapped into a chaotic modern-day allegory that, if consumed correctly by a savvy viewer, should not only entertain, but cause one to pause and consider how we treat our fellow human beings, especially the ones who look, talk and think differently than we do. It is without a doubt one of the best films of the year

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A Trailer for Both Gentlemen and Broncos

Jared Hess. A man birthed from the Mormon Movie massacre of 2002-2004 and shot from the cannon of obscurity to cultural zeitgeist with Napoleon Dynamite. A man subsequently handed the reigns to an underrated and unappreciated Jack Black Luchador comedy from Paramount and then…. silence. Until now! Jared Hess is back with the comedy Gentlemen Broncos– the epic tale of a young sci-fi writer’s quest to overcome the plagiarizing forces of  old sci-fi writer Ronald Chevalier (as played by Flight

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Legion Unleashes Angels Right in Your Face

The Bible can be creepy. Take Revelations, with its symbolic dragons, falling stars, blood moon, apocalyptic horsemen and the “God Hates Fags” guys. There’s also the story of Jesus’ run-in with a guy who’s possessed. Jesus asks his name and the guy responds “Legion- for we are many”. Of course, Legion subsequently gets a spiritual punch in the face, hops into a bunch of pigs who then squeal/gargle their way into a Red Sea dirt nap, but that didn’t stop

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Avatar Day and Date Announced

You may remember Andy’s note from a few weeks ago when Fox announced it would be screening a chunk of James Cameron’s Avatar in select IMAX 3D Theaters across the country (and wooooooorld!).  In a pretentiously named move to make an event out of a film whose hype machine seems to be getting a very, very slow start in creating general audience awareness (or even gernal anticipation), 20th Century Fox has now assigned a date to “Avatar Day” and it’s…

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Kate Beckinsale is Yumtastic in Whiteout

I won’t make any apologies for lusting after Kate Beckinsale. I just won’t. If she showed up and my door in her get-up from Underworld and Underworld 2, I wouldn’t even bother flipping a coin. And given my wife’s love of vampire movies, I’m pretty sure she’d just let me go at that point, maybe even with a “good luck” or something like that. Irregardless, Miss Beckinsale is yummy in both the trailer (which showed before G.I. Joe: The Rise

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