Redbox Going Blu for $1.50 a Day

It was only a matter of time before Redbox introduced Blu-ray DVDs into their self-serve kiosks, and in all actuality one could argue Redbox is late to the game. I am a loyal Netflix member and their large selection of Blu-ray releases is the main reason. Still, $1.50 a night for a Blu-ray isn’t a bad deal and depending on future selection (see below), I might end up giving Netflix a nice pruneslam, especially where they have rejected me as

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Thanks for Screwing Me Over, Twihards!

Despite opening on 4,468 screens and having a rabid fanbase of emotional tweens, teens and housewives, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which I thought was a decent movie – easily the best in the Twilight franchise, isn’t even going to come close to Toy Story 3’s summer score at the box office. As of this writing, Edward and Jacob sit a cool $100 million behind Buzz and Woody. Hell, it hasn’t even beaten its predecessor, The Twilight Saga: New Moon. So,

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What I Learned at the 2010 Comic-Con

By BRYCE CASSELMAN When people heard I was attending Comic-Con this year, they would often ask me if I was going to dress up. “No,” I’d say, “I’m a fan, not a freak.” I’ve used this response for a while now, mostly to defend myself against being mocked by the ‘normal’ people in my life, for enjoying the things that I love. However, what I discovered about those ‘freaks’ when I actually attended the convention this year…you know the folks

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Dear Shia: Indy 4 Sucking Wasn’t Your Fault

Like George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels and Steven Spielberg’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a shared blight between the two legendary filmmakers and was a giant disappointment. Like the new offerings to the other franchises, I initially forced myself to like the movie, but on subsequent viewings realized I was in love with the nostalgia, not the actual movie. Shia LaBeouf, who played Indy’s son Mutt Williams in The Kingdom

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Kane & Lynch Looks to Be Another Video Game Movie that Sucks

I love video games and would love to see a popular title make it to the big screen and receive rave reviews. Someday the translation from XBOX, PS3, Wii or PC to the silver screen will be good enough to cause Roger Ebert to recant his statement that “video games can never be art.” But I promise you right now this will not happen with the Kane & Lynch movie hitting theaters sometime in 2011. Bruce Willis and Jamie Foxx

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I’m Watching the 2010 MTV Movie Awards for Katy Perry!

The only reason I ever tune into the MTV Movie Awards is to watch the hilarious film parodies throughout the broadcast. I’m talking Jimmy Fallon’s 2005 Tankman Begins spoof of Batman Begins, or Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller’s sequel pitching to Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson. Those are classic and I’d say most watchers probably flip the dial to MTV for the same reason. Let’s be frank, it’s not like the awards are legitimate or have any meaning.

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Halo Movie “Happening” and I Don’t Give a Rat’s Ass

“We’re going to make a movie when the time is right.” Oh, boy, how many times have we heard this line in regards to the oft-anticipated, never-gonna-materialize Halo movie? So many times that I don’t believe anything that comes out of Frank O’ Connor’s mouth about a supposed movie, and frankly, at this point, I don’t give a rat’s ass. I’ve moved on. Halo can suck it. Instead, I’m pining for other video game movies. Like what you ask? I’ll

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The Losers is Confused and Likewise will Suck

Guess what movie is going to drop a little baby burp at the box office in a few weeks and then disappear into the underworld of inconsequential cinema? Not Furry Vengeance or The Back-up Plan, although those two abominations are deepfried in suck. No, I’m talking about The Losers. And why you might ask? Not because Hollywood is trying to force feed me Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Accidental Husband) as a leading man, or because I’m sick of seeing Chris

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Vince Horiuchi is Wrong Again, This Time About Rings Blu-ray

Back in November I wrote a memo to Salt Lake Tribune columnist Vince Horiuchi and flipped him the middle finger for crapping on J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek. Much like Tyler Riggs, Mr. Horiuchi thumbed his nose at Abrams’ re-imagining and essentially said the new film spit a juicy Romulanian loogie at the “intelligent” Trek films of yore. Horiuchi was wrong back in November and he’s wrong again in April with his Viagra moment over the recently released Lord of the

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Hot Tub Time Machine Filled to the Brim with F**k?

I have made no secret of my love for Roger Ebert and his writing. Notice I didn’t say movie reviews or critiques. Mr. Ebert and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, but his reviews are always a pleasure to read. He is articulate, funny and knows his stuff. Even with all his health problems, he is sharp and upbeat and flowing with life. I was reading his review of Hot Tub Time Machine when I came across this gem of a

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