Trailer Tuesday: The Expendables

Listen, I loved and still adore 80s action movies. You name it and I was a fan. Predator, Commando, Cobra, Rambo: First Blood Part II and Die Hard are just a few that come to mind. Each of these is tied to a distinct age and theatrical memory for me as a youngster. So much nostalgia exists in that genre for me you’d think I’d be doing cartwheels at the prospect of a grandiose cinematic mingling of 80s, 90s and

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Trailer Tuesday: Knight and Day

There has been a lot of Tom Cruise hate since 2005, after Old Man Maverick painted Brooke Shields as a drug-happy quack and did his dance of Katie Holmes adoration on Oprah Winfrey’s sofa. But I’m not a member of the Anti-Cruise Brigade, in fact I think the guy is undeniably one of our most underappreciated actors. Sure, we can crap on things like Cocktail, Interview with the Vampire, Eyes Wide Shut or Vanilla Sky, but the dude has talent

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Trailer Tuesday: The Pirate Movie

I’m sending you back to 1982 via Trailer Tuesday with The Pirate Movie, a musical loosely based on Gilbert and Sullivan’s “comic opera,” The Pirates of Penzance. You remember 1982. It was the year of the Tylenol cyanide scare, the first artificial heart transplant and the year Michael Jackson’s Thriller sold 20 million albums to become the biggest selling record ever. Me? I had just turned 8 years-old and had spent that summer crying at E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, crapping my

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Trailer Tuesday: Reliving my MLMS days with “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”

When I was a student at Mount Logan Middle School during the tender years of 1995-1998, I hated it. I (almost) everything about it. But after seeing the trailer for “Diary of a Wimpy Kid“, I want to go back. I want to relive it, because now I FINALLY realize how meaningless and stupidly funny it all was. We’ve needed a movie like this for a long time. Honestly, cinemadromes have been devoid of juvenile junior high-level humor since the

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Trailer Tuesday: The Last Song

Whenever I see or hear Miley Cyrus I want to punch my own testicles. It’s true. Having an 11 year-old daughter has filled me with enough Hannah/Miley entertainment to last an eternity. Reading, watching and viewing the sideshow that is her life just makes it all worse for wear. So, to say the least, when I saw this trailer for The Last Song, I was foaming at the mouth for the chance to berate lil’ Miley and her new movie.

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Trailer Tuesday: The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I didn’t see Bandslam on Friday, so I’m not sure if this is the much-anticipated New Moon trailer the web was abuzz with last week. However, it is a new trailer and Twilight makes women and girls people go crazy, so here it is. I actually like this trailer because I am on Team Jacob. I relate to the guy always labeled as “friend” and always passed over for the taller, paler, douchier guy. At any rate the Abercrombie &

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Trailer Wednesday (Dan’s Pick): Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant

Andy challenged me to post my own trailer (Did you miss me? No? Fine.), so here it is in all it’s excessively long-named glory. But first, four things. 1) Vampires are dumb. 2) John C. Reilly playing one proves it. 3) This vampire craze is about to implode– The Vampire’s Assistant may help. 4) Somewhere in the middle, I kind of laughed.

Trailer Tuesday: The Fantastic Mr. Fox

I was singing the praises of Coraline last night via my Facebook status when I came across the trailer for the new Wes Anderson (The Darjeeling Limited) stop-motion-animation movie, The Fantastic Mr. Fox. It wasn’t by coincidence I happened upon another seemingly stop-motion gem, rather I was reading up on Coraline director Henry Selick, who, it was noted in his Wikipedia biography, worked on The Fantastic Mr. Fox with Anderson, as well as The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. As

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Trailer Tuesday (Dan’s Pick?): Mystery Team

So apparently, where I thought I was an internet maven, I’m a noob. I’ve never even heard of Derrick Comedy, a supposedly brilliant internet comedy troupe whose online skits have won praise and loyalty. In fact, they’re so popular they made a movie called Mystery Team about Bloodhound Gang wannabees who are now all growed up but remain childlike in their cluelessness. To be honest, the idea sounds like a lot of fun. Who didn’t concoct their own mystery/adventure club

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